Saturday, December 4, 2021

New Sticker Design!

just a little fowl humor for ya

Hi all! 

Big news! I have set up my first online store with my first little product - a new sticker design! If you want to see it RIGHT NOW and don't need the lengthy backstory, you can jump right to it here :)

BEGIN LENGTHY BACKSTORY: Last spring I took an ornithology class which changed my life in a lot of ways. It started an interest in birdwatching, told me more about the bird's digestive system than I EVER wanted to know, and perhaps most importantly, informed me that the scientific name for the Robin (and other thrushes) is "Turdus."

I think that's wonderful. I love any bird (except cowbirds), so I hesitate to call them a rude name. However, Robins really do seem to fit it. They're one of our most common birds, and aside from their huge migration in the spring, seem relatively unremarkable. They are a frequent cause for disappointment while birding, especially when you're expecting a rarer species. They are, in a word, Turdus. 

Anyways, I though the name had enough intellectual, juvenile, and incredibly specific humor to make a successful sticker, so I drew it up, got it printed... and waited several months to figure out how to sell it. But despite having the least amount of free time I have ever had, I say there's no time like the present. And I owe it to these old projects to actually get them out into the world. I even have a whole artbook in this awful limbo. Now that I have a storefront, maybe I can start getting these kind of things out there!

Ok, so maybe that backstory wasn't quite so lengthy. But I wanted to make sure you guys got the news first and were able to snag one if you're interested! 

your fellow wayfarer, and bird-merchandise hawker,


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