Happy Halloween everybody!!!!
In an exciting turn of events, I have assembled a legitimate costume for the first time in three years! I'll be honest, despite Halloween nights being some of my fondest memories from childhood, my Hallow's Eve spirit has significantly waned as I find myself in the awkward in-between of the trick-or-treat equation (neither the treater nor the treat-ee). But after thoroughly enjoying the new Loki show this summer, I knew. I knew the answer to the biggest annual question from my childhood: who I want to be for Halloween.
While it would have been fun to have be Mobius (as I'll take any excuse to rock a mustache for a few days), the "President" version of Loki made the most sense. I scoped out thrift stores on the weekends to find the suit pieces, but where was I going to find Loki's crown, the piece that would tie it all together? Thankfully, I have a talented brother who can sculpt armor, weapons, AND mask/crown/headband-things out of foam. Thanks Jonathan!
Here's what it looks like all together -
come on, what did you expect?
It was really fun to have a real costume to wear this year, and it helped the holiday to feel much more special. As my schedule gets more full (especially now with a full time job, woof) it gets easier and easier to let the special days be swallowed up in the busy-ness of the ordinary. Because holidays, feasts, and Halloween parties don't just happen. It takes a ton of work to cook the food, hang the decorations, and bring together the people. Mundane life will just keep rolling on - so it's our imperative to carve out the spaces for reflection and celebration.
So I encourage myself and you - keep the feasts! Decorate the cupcakes! And on one of the rare nights when adults are allowed to pretend and dress up, go for it! It's the feasts, fasts, and festivals which bring rhythm to our lives.
Happy Halloween everyone, and the spookiest of good cheer to you and yours.
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