Thursday, December 24, 2020

The Customary Christmas Eve Post


It's my favorite night of the year and I'm am READY FOR IT. Though strangely a little less ready for Christmas Day? This year more than any has made the days blend together and homogenize a bit, and it's kinda strange to think that tomorrow we will wake up and there will be presents and donuts on reindeer-themed plates. Instead of just emails and homework and such. But perhaps that will make Christmas Day that much more exceptional, even surprising!

Especially in a year like this, I think it's important to keep the holidays and feasts that bring rhythm and remembrance to our lives. Although it's now easier than ever to take a pass on Christmas, or Halloween, or Thanksgiving, or what have you, I've been trying to build up as much spirit as possible and enjoy these seasons and the joy they bring. It's comforting to remember that despite the chaos of the year some things haven't changed: the soft lights of our 20+ year old tree, the cartons of eggnog in the fridge, my inability to draw antlers in perspective... 

On a related note, this year I skipped drawing reindeer, and drew a Yule Lad instead! I just happened to be watching the Yule Lads episode of Hilda today and these guys' antics are as delightful as their backstory is dark (you probably don't want to know what's in that sack). Also "Yule Lads" is fun to say. Or write? Or BOTH. 

kertasníkir the candle-snatcher (and eater)

This Christmas has and will be a difficult one for sure. But despite it all, sing those carols, light those candles, and DRINK THAT EGGNOG. These feasts and celebrations are powerful rebuttals to the sadness and brokenness that we so often encounter in this world. They proclaim that there is meaning in the midst of confusion, warmth in the midst of cold, and light in the midst of darkness. And if you aren't in a place where you can rejoice or feast, that is OK too. Christ's love is not reliant on your willingness to drink eggnog (though I do heartily encourage you to give it a try). 

May you know the hope expressed in Christ's coming, wherever it may find you.


A Very Special Holiday Music Recommendation: Just thought I would put my personal Christmas playlist out there in case anyone was interested. I've been listening to some other people's playlists this year, and it's fascinating to discover all the different wells of nostalgia we draw from. Mine is heavily Amy Grant, with a scattering of new favorites I've discovered over the past couple years. It also has ... three versions of The Christmas Waltz??? I will fixing that soon.

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