Thursday, May 7, 2020

DUCKTALES!! (Woo-oo)


Sooo.... I've been watching a LOT of Ducktales (2017) recently. Like a whole lot. For the first part of quarantine I was in a show-less void but after watching clips of Ducktales' recent spy and Daisy episodes I figured it was time to jump back in. Seems to be a common theme of this quarantine for me - catching up on good shows that for some reason I stopped watching. But now, I am back. Everything is ducks. Life IS like a hurricane, as the theme song had tried (in vain) to warn me. I'm now in the late second season (and part of the third, I've been hopping around :P) and man it just keeps getting so good! Perhaps it's just because the show provides a timely escape to a world where you have ample funding for globe-trotting adventures, or a world where one can go globe-trotting at all (and in close proximity to friends, no less!) Or from a more intellectual standpoint, I think the show and its creators have really figured out who the characters are and can now just have fun with more nuanced storylines. I dunno, this is just all one duck's man's opinion. But the most recent episode did have both emotional storytelling and incredible aerial robot battles and any show that can do both is worth my Disney+ subscription!

All this Ducktales and derring-do has had the effect of strengthening even more my desire to really get out there and get a job in animation. Not that that hasn't been one of my goals for a while now, but watching good shows always gets me more excited about someday working on good shows - maybe contributing a prop design or two, or pitching some boards... And although Ducktales will likely be finished with production by the time I'm in "the industry" there's got to be similar stories just waiting to get made! And I want to be there makin' them. Ducktales' focus on adventure has also gotten me thinking about the next big upcoming adventure in my life which is the question of what's gonna happen after college. Not that I haven't been thinking about that for a while now, but now that I'm kinda a senior (I refuse to admit it until I actually step back on campus) the question grows ever more pressing in my mind. Of course, the answer will likely be something I did not plan and hardly could have expected - that's often how God works.

Such is the life of an adventurer ;)

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