Wednesday, March 18, 2020

So Long, Junior Year

hello, summer? weird spring?

So they announced it today - school is cancelled. And not only that, but I've got to move out! And soon! I've been using my RA powers to hide out in my room over break, but Lipscomb's really taking a strict stance (warranted) and they want everybody outta here. And since I don't want to drive 7 hours back to Nash to get my stuff later, I'm just taking it all now.

It's all kinda ironic cause I just got back from a trip with some friends (related blog post coming shortly), had just bought some groceries and was ready to hunker down with some Zelda for the remainder of our Super Break. But this has just been the craziest time and twists like these are probably gonna keep happening until this virus gets the heck outta here.

Of course, school isn't really cancelled - we'll still have online classes. And junior year isn't really over.

But it does kinda feel that way.

I won't have access to lab equipment and software for the rest of the semester, so I don't know how much work I can be asked/expected to do... And I won't be able to hang out with college friends, or perhaps friends in general cause we will all be social distancing. And this will be my last night in my cozy little dorm room underneath my Princess Mononoke poster. I've really liked having a room to myself this year and I'll be very sad to leave this homely place...

But tonight we feast! Eat frozen pizza and drink copious amounts of marble soda! And make mug-cakes! As of now I have packed exactly one box and have already started procrastinating by writing this Roost post and taking pictures of my room. (sorry mom) I'm definitely bummed by the way things have turned out, but I've slowly been making peace and finding moments of joy along the way... Plus this turn of events should give me plenty of time to finish The Two Towers and Breath of the Wild.

Hope to talk to you guys again once I'm back in NC. Also hope Coronavirus will take the hint and realize that we don't want it to stick around anymore.

Stay strong, bloggerfolk -

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