Friday, May 3, 2024

New Sketchbook Zine Available!

Hey bloggerfolk!

I had mentioned MONTHS ago that I was working on a sketchbook zine about clouded leopards, and now that I’ve finished all the drawings, captured a decent “about the author” photo after waiting about a month for the perfect opportunity, and printed off all the pages at my local FedEx, it’s DONE! You can get a copy (PDF or printed) here:

Since I’ve been wanting to build up my YouTube channel more during this season of unemployment (such an unoriginal idea, I KNOW, but one I’m excited to do nonetheless) I made a preview video which shows off some pages and talks a bit more about the project -

I did not expect how much fun I’d have knocking something together in Premiere again - after making only animation for the past 3 years, making a live-action video in a week felt like I was moving at lightspeed! I definitely want to make more videos like this again, maybe for art of book reviews and stuff. 

I hope you’ll give the zine a look too! It’s a fun, rougher, very DIY kind of project, and a look into my personal sketchbook. While I did most of the pages at home based on photos I took, I think the sketches I made while at the zoo (shown above) are some of my favorite! I hope to do more zoo drawing videos/zines in the future - one of my favorite parts of this unemployed season has been going to the zoo about once a week and just drawing whatever suits my fancy/is not moving that day.

Hope your summer is off to a great start (yes, I’m gonna count May as summer), and thanks for reading!
